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Published 16 January 2020

Category Culture


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Traveling solo in London is both easy and enjoyable, particularly for female travelers. The city offers numerous attractions such as the London Eye, museums, and guided tours that provide a safe and enriching experience. Packing comfortable shoes and layers is recommended due to the changeable weather. Staying at centrally located hotels like the Montcalm Hotel ensures easy access to public transport and pedestrian-friendly areas. Safety tips include staying aware of your surroundings, protecting your belongings, and avoiding quiet areas at night. London’s vibrant culture and friendly atmosphere make it a fantastic destination for solo female adventurers.

The Solo Female Traveller’s Guide to London

Travelling solo needn’t be a hassle – it’s easy and fun to get around London on your own! In this blog, we’ll show you a few of the best sights in the city for female solo travellers, as well as offering tips and tricks you can use on your next big adventure.

Where to go

There’re so many great places to go as a solo female traveller. London is just as singleton friendly as it is a popular spot for couples, so you’ll never feel like you’re somehow outside of the norm.

We recommend trying a few of these major London hotspots and activities during your visit:

A major tourist attraction and a fun way to see the city from above, The London Eye is an enormous Ferris wheel set alongside the Thames. Here you’ll be able to check out some of London’s top buildings and see the world below, before heading out to any locations which pique your interest!

Feel like seeing London with others? Then join a tour! Bus tours, walking tours – London offers all of these and more. Popular topics covered include history, art and culture. Select by your area of interest and you’ll uncover a world of possibilities.

Museums and galleries are hugely popular in London, and there’re plenty of them to choose from. Some of our favourites include the Tate Modern, the Science Museum and the V&A.

What to pack

Packing for a trip away can always be a little anxiety inducing! We recommend taking shoes you can walk in (better for exploring) and comfy layers to combat the changeable weather. Pack some evening wear, too!

Getting around London

We strongly recommend booking a hotel like the Montcalm Collection, to ensure you are in a great central location and can get about with ease. There are lots of different options for solo female travellers in the city.

Get acquainted with the local public transport system. It is without doubt one of the best in the world, and offers you an abundance of options for round the clock exploring. The Tube is an ever-popular option, but you can also choose from buses, taxes and even river taxis along the Thames.

Lots of places in London are also incredibly pedestrian friendly, so if you prefer to walk all you’ll need is a map and your imagination!

What do to in London?

Is London safe for solo female travellers?

As big cities go, London is pretty friendly. We would certainly recommend exercising the appropriate level of caution in some situations, though. A few tips for staying safe:

1. If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, trust your instincts. Likewise, try to avoid walking in quiet areas at night, and remain aware of your surroundings.

2. Protect your belongings. Pickpockets are particularly prevalent on public transport and may see your solo status as a vulnerability. Use bags with zips and keep them with you at all times.

3. The risks of finding yourself in danger are about the same as you would expect from any metropolitan area, so be sure you always have your phone with you and avoid areas which make you feel uneasy. This will leave you free to enjoy your trip using London hotels special offers.

What can I do for a day alone in London?

You will never run out of things to do for a day in London. In fact, after a trip here you’ll probably be eagerly planning your next, just so you can continue to see the sights!

A simple solo day in London could include a morning spent browsing a local market, a quick lunch as you take in some of the major attractions in the city, afternoon tea dining at Montcalm Collection and an evening taking a spin on the London Eye. Whatever you want to do and see, you’ll find it here.

Is it safe to walk in London alone?

There is no particular reason why you shouldn’t walk in London alone. However, a few key precautions can help you feel much safer. Try to limit the time you walk alone at night, unless you feel safe in the area. If possible, let someone you trust know where you’ll be. Most areas of the city are safe enough to explore solo, so don’t let that stop you from seeing the sights!

As a solo female traveller, you will also be in good company. Plenty of people see London on their own, and you could soon be among them!

What can you do as a solo traveller in London?

Lots of things! From live entertainment to museums, art galleries and even a wide range of special events designed for the solo traveller – London is a place to break free from obligations.

If you do find yourself longing for company, then you’ll also have the opportunity to meet new friends and share experiences at a class or a special event. Be sure you are staying somewhere central, safe and convenient. Montcalm Brewery is a particularly great option for solo female travellers thanks to their combination of comfort and security – providing you with a reliable base while you stay in London.

Is the Tube dangerous at night? 

As part of London’s vast public transport system, the Tube is known for being ultra-convenient and speedy. It also runs through the night in Central London. This is even better from a convenience perspective, but if you are flying solo then this might make you feel a little nervous.

Lots of people use the Tube after a night out, and some of the stations can be particularly crowded in the evenings. Keep away from the edge of the platform and if you feel uncomfortable, talk to a member of staff. They’ll be happy to help you enjoy your journey.

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